ProRTX will only do business with vendors and suppliers that share the company’s adherence to high legal, ethical and moral standards. ProRTXs’ goal is to create and encourage creation of model operations that provide good jobs at fair wages and also improve conditions in their communities.
All suppliers, vendors and other business partners are expected to comply with ProRTX Operating Principles and to assure compliance in all contracting, subcontracting or other relationships. In establishing these guidelines, ProRTX believes it is effectively exercising its economic leverage with business partners to encourage their full compliance with laws designed to protect their employees and support the highest standards of business conduct.
The guidelines have been developed to ensure consistent compliance by all suppliers and vendors. ProRTX recognise that the guidelines will also assist management in selecting business partners and follow work place standards and practices consistent with ProRTX Operating Principles. ProRTX will not do business with any vendors or suppliers who violate the legal and ethical rights of employees in any way.